New World: Weaponsmith Quick Levels on 200 - That s how it works

New World Provides some professions that you can level to level 200. In this guide, we want to explain from Meinmmo to tell you how your weaponsmith is particularly fast and what special tricks you pay attention to.

What makes the Weaponsmith? The Weaponsmith produces 5 of the total 11 weapons of New World:

Strikeax War hammer Sword Sign Rapier

In the forge you can also produce the weapons spear and Beil, which, however, are associated with the profession of engineering and therefore increase the skill there.

In addition to the weapons, the occupation is needed weaponsmith but also for grinding stones and repair boxes.

How do you make the weaponsmith effectively? The pure production of weapons brings you progress, but that is relatively slow and above all expensive. An effective and fast levels is not possible.

Therefore, basically applies: do the city quests. The city quests will receive her on the boards in the cities and for them to make certain objects, such as a bulwark armament from primitive iron.

It is important that you need the raw materials, ie iron ore, freshwood and red leather, but not the processed products such as iron bars or wooden planks.

For the production of these items you get much more experience than for every weapon. At the same time, there is good experience for your character if you go out the city quest.

So if you want to levitate quickly and effectively, you have to accept as many city quests as possible.

What do I do if I do not find city quests? Then you can rely on grinding stones in addition to weapons. The costs no ores, but stones, which is much easier to find.

Weaponsmith Levels - That s how it works

From Level 1 to 20: For the first Level you only have the choice from city quests or iron weapons. The cheapest are rapier, sword or shield. The most consuming the least resources. You will have to produce quite exactly 25 weapons if you want to level from 1 to 20. That costs you the following raw materials:

175 iron bars 50 timber 25 rough leather

Of course, the raw materials go down with each city quest.

Level 20 to 50: From level 20 you can make the first grindstone. Anyone who wants to lie completely over abrasive stones needs 228 pieces, ie the following raw materials:

228 stone blocks 228 Death particle 228 Fire particle

Alternatively, you can continue to make city quests and produce weapons.

Level 50 to 100: On this level you have several possibilities. You can continue about the grindstone and then needs 2,396 of them.

Alternatively, you will switch to the ordinary grindstone on level 70. With this you can also level until level 100. From this you will need about 1,000 pieces for the stages 70 to 100:

1,000 stone tiles 1,000 death hound 1,000 fire hoach

In addition, you can continue to produce weapons. Contract for about 400 steel weapons.

From Level 50 even new city quests come to give better rewards again and continue to be the most lucrative way.

Level 100 to 120: Here we recommend you next to city quests reinforces the production of weapons, as the abrasive stones now give too little experience points. For these steps you will need quite exactly 120 star-metal weapons in the form of rapier, sword or shield. It costs:

1,080 star metal bull 240 Timber 120 rough leather

Alternatively, you need just under 3,000 weak grindstone to master this step.

Level 120 to 150: In this area we recommend a healthy mix of star-metal weapons, city squares, the old weak grinding and the latest item Strong grindstone. It costs magnetizer, deaths and fire eating.

ULTIMATE New World weaponsmithing guide, fastest way to level up Level 150 to 200: There is a healthy mix of Orichalcum weapons and city quests on these stages. The old grindstone brings too little experience points and the new is far too expensive for the materials. Alternatively, 38.320 work weak grinding stones.

If you only want to level with weapons, you need exactly 685 Orichalcum weapons. That would require the following raw materials:

6,850 Orichalcum ingot 1,370 Timber 685 Rough leather

In addition, you can produce useful epic weapons with a fixed name from step 185. Here it can be offered to invest a little more about raw materials, but to get a weapon that will help you in the game.


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