New World: This is how you quickly reach maximum level in wooden precipitates

Trees was an English group of Folk Rock that was active between 1969 and 1973. Although the group did not have a commercial success at its time, its reputation has grown over the years. Like other contemporary bands, Trees followed the stela of Fairport Convention, but it had a sound, harder and psychedelic sound. In the group s repertoire there were both traditional songs and original compositions. Trees published two studio albums :: The Garden of Jane Delawney of 1970 and on the Shore of 1971. The cover of the latter was designed by the Hipgnosis study. The group dissolved after recording both discs. He returned with a second formation, active until 1973, which gave concerts but did not record any album. The Celia Humphris, Barry Clarke, David Costa, Barry Lyons (ex-Mr Fox), Alun Eden (also ex-Mr Fox) and Chuck Fleming (ex-JSD Band). Pirate recordings of this training have been published. The two study discs have been edited on CD. In 2007, a luxury edition of On the Shore, consisting of two discs, which includes unprecedented material was also published. In 2008, a new edition of the first album, with unpublished material and some current recordings appeared.

inNew World is very very important crafting. Wood plays an important role, since the material is used for a lot of recipes. We at MeinMMO show you in this article how you get your woodcutting skill can level up quickly in order to get the necessary raw materials.

Why Wood plays such an important role? This raw material is almost used everywhere in the game. Whether you want to forge weapons at the workbench and create furniture or accepting at the city board missions: Wood, or the refined versions are often in demand.

What exist for timber species in New World? Right now, throughout Aeternum four different tree species grow. However, to break down the rare trees, must be your lumberjacks level high enough. In the following overview you find all the details about the different types of wood.

Fresh Wood - Degradable of Young Trees Collectible from Lumberjack Level 0 Matured wood - Degradable of full-grown trees Collectible from Lumberjack Level 50 Wyrdholz - Degradable of Wyrdholz trees Lumberjack Collectible from Level 100 Tropical Timber - Degradable of tropical timber trees Collectible from Lumberjack Level 175

Level Up! (Video Game Workout For Kids)

increase the Level faster with the proper tools

Are the tools so important? Yes, they are indeed. The higher the quality of your tools can more quickly make their trees. And the faster you can make your trees, the faster you collect per tree experience. Tries whenever it is possible to produce better tools or buy.

How do you establish the best tools or other products can be found in this detailed guide Craftig of MeinMMO:

What lumberjack axes are the best? In this overview, you find the individual axes with their values ​​and when did this can, with your character level to unlock. We also list the recommended passive benefits.

Lumberjack - iron Used from character level 5 - 1 Passive possible. Holzfällerdiziplin - more experience in the timber industry. Lumberjack - Steel Starting character level 17 use - 2 Passive possible. Holzfällerdiziplin - more experience in the timber industry. Lumberjack yield - logging is gaining more raw materials. Lumberjack - Star Metal From usable Character level 36-3 Passive possible. Holzfällerdiziplin - more experience in the timber industry. Lumberjack yield - logging is gaining more raw materials. Azoth extraction or lumberjacks happiness - The former you are at the end of collecting a chance to Azoth, the other an increased chance of rare materials during Bäumehackens. Lumberjack - orichalcum From usable Character level 52-3 Passive possible. Lumberjack yield - logging is gaining more raw materials. Azoth extraction - chance of Azoth Lumberjack happiness - chance of rare materials

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Iron ore is more your focus? Here you will find places where you can reduce these. You want to bring your character first maximum level? 7 more Endgame employment that you make can.

This method Levelt their lumbering fast-

Increasing the logging level is divided into different level zones.

From Level 1 - 50: Prepared from your ax and start hacking at Young trees . In all start areas are trees just outside the settlement. If you are overweight, runs back and throw the wood in your camp or if you are in a hurry you with the levels, just throw on the ground and continue to chop. From Level 50 to 100: Here it is important to cut down so many as possible adult trees. These provide much more experience as Young trees . And here are the best places just outside the settlements. The denser the wood, the more adult trees can be found. From Level 100-175: Now can you Wyrmholz Trees chop that glow bright blue on and give you a lot of experience. In addition to the trees, you can now also succumbed Dryadenwölfe and thereby degrade wood. The wolves recognize her at her bright green poison cloud that envelop. We recommend you mainly to farm the Dryadenwölfe because on the one hand give a lot of experience and reduce the other hand, are much faster than the Wyrmholz trees.

From Level 175-200 Now, can you break down everything and really need to give you any more effort to maximize logging. However, if you still want to go to 200, then collects the most tropical timber . Or you continue to chop Dryadenwölfe from, because they are just as effective in terms of experience.

Other benefits to facilitate you the levels

Extra Constitution brings Boni: The more points you have sunk in the attribute window in constitution, the more advantages you get in trees.

50 points or more = +10% more speed with wooden precipitates 200 points or more = more +10% more speed with wooden precipitates 250 points or more = 10% more income from wooden precipitates 300 points or more = 25% probability to make a tree with a blow

Area call also plays a role. With the area call card Collect you can make trees even faster and that in turn means to come to experience faster. If you chop in a field mainly wood, you can use this buff.

Are you already Level 200 with wooden precipitates? Or is not that in your focus, but rather mining? Write us down in the comments.

All guides about New World can be found in this article: New World Guides: All tips, tricks and builds in the overview


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