New World: So you quickly reach the maximum level in mining

inNew World is very very important crafting. Ores, and sometimes the stones play an important role, since the material is used for a variety of recipes. We at MeinMMO show you in this guide, you can level up as you your skill in mining fast.

Which stone and ore types exist in New World Who is engaged in the mining, will encounter a variety of collectible material?:

Stone - Collectible from level 0 Iron - Collectible from level 0, trackable at level 25 Silver - Collectible at level 10, trackable at level 35 Oil - Collectable at level 20, trackable from stage 45 Gold - Collectible at level 45, trackable at level 70 Alchemy Stones - Collectible level 50, trackable at level 75 Star Metal - Collectible at level 100, trackable at level 125 Magnetite - Collectible at level 105, trackable at level 155 Platinum - Collectible at level 110, trackable at level 135 Orichalcum - Collectible from Level 175, trackable at level 200

increase the level faster with the right tools

Are the tools so important? Yes, they are indeed. The higher the quality of your tools, the faster you can reduce their stones and ores. This also has an impact on the faster leveling of mining. Tries whenever it is possible to produce better tools or buy.

How do you establish the best tools or other products can be found in this detailed guide Craftig of MeinMMO:

Which picks are the best? In this overview, you find the individual picks with their values ​​and when did this can, with your character level to unlock. We also list the recommended passive benefits.

Pick - iron Used from character level 5 - 1 Passive possible. Schürferdisziplin - More experience for mining. Pick - Steel Starting character level 17 use - 2 Passive possible. Schürferdisziplin - More experience for mining. Mining revenue - Mining gaining more raw materials. Pick - Star Metal From usable Character level 36-3 Passive possible. Schürferdisziplin - More experience for mining. Mining revenue - Mining gaining more raw materials. Azoth extraction or Mining happiness - The former you are at the end of collecting a chance to Azoth, the other an increased chance of rare materials during mining. Pick - orichalcum From usable Character level 52-3 Passive possible. Mining revenue - Mining gaining more raw materials. Azoth extraction - chance of Azoth Mining happiness - chance of rare materials

Those who want the way quickly leveling logging will find it here: So you quickly reached maximum level at tree felling New World.

Mining leven quickly - Here s

From level 1 to 10: For this step you should take a focus initially on stone and iron. As a rule, you will automatically reach that level before you look into this guide. From level 10 then comes to silver, while the routes are more interesting.

From level 10 to 100: This level range ye shall soon only focus on iron and silver. Although stones work for leveling, but are extremely slow. The ores are significantly effective.

For fast leveling at these levels, we recommend the following two routes that are once king of rock and once in Entermesserriff. Both routes used between 10 and 20 minutes, which also roughly the respawn time is the same ores.

The route in King of rock is partly crowded, but if you are alone, you are virtually no opponents in the way.

For the route in Entermesserriff you need a higher level, but collects more silver and gold. Here you should therefore already stage have reached the 45th

From Level 100-175: From step 100 the star metal comes into play, which it still needed armor and weapons.

For those seeking even a low level star metal can to go to the border between wind circle and Immerfall. There you will find iron, silver and some star metal nodes.

Anyone who has reached a higher level, and want really fast leveling, which must to the area deep gorge. There you will find a good and provided with very little monsters way. Those who wish can also between empty bags in the city.

From Level 175-200: If you want to maximize the mining skill, but even yet a high-level character has, it will now have really difficult. However, there are in the areas of wind and King county rock together 6 Orichalcum veins that can degrade it. Two Star metal cores also are on the path shown here.

Anyone who has already reached the Max Level will find the most effective spots in Bruchberg. Here we were from Meinmmo but not even on the way to be able to assess what the best route is.

Additional benefits that make you relieve the levels

Extra Constitution brings bonuses: The more points you have sunk in strength in the attribute window, the more advantages you receive the mining:

50 points or more = +10% more speed in mining 100 points or more = 20% more resilience (inventory weight) 150 points or more = 10% less weight by entered objects 200 points or more = +10% more speed in mining 250 points or more = +10% More yield with mining 300 points = 25% probability to reduce an ore with a blow


Cooking in New World info for fast levels and the best dishes New World: 3 builds for beginners that are ideal for PVE and levels How to find your oil in New World

Area call also plays a role. With the local area call card Collect you can reduce the territory even faster and that in turn means to come to experience faster. If you collect primarily in a field, you can rely on this buff.

Are you already Level 200 with mining? Or is not that in your focus? Write us down in the comments.

All guides about New World can be found in this article: New World Guides: All tips, tricks and builds in the overview


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